Ducking Realitea

Touch of the Tism - Part 1


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Siobhan is joined by Danielle from Danielle Will Still Choose the Bear and Holly from Hot Dogs with Holly as they break in the new podcast studio with a mix of wild personal stories, serious discussions, and unfiltered opinions.

From a stalker story to a taco bar mishap with a questionable banner, this episode swings from hilarious mishaps to hard-hitting truths. The conversation also dives into serious issues like racial slurs, date rape, and the reality of roofies in bars—all explored through the lens of their diverse backgrounds and candid perspectives.

Raw, real, and a little ridiculous—this episode has it all.


And that, like, I paid them to build a room, and then more, yeah, well, they did it on, like, a cheap, cheap, yeah, but still, but that's fucking legit, but yeah. And then I sound proofed at all, and I built the backgrounds. I remember, your Yep, so and I made them so they're movable. Oh, nice. So I'm just gonna make sure let me scoot. All right. This is my tiny microphone. So adorable. We don't have mine.


I don't know where they are. My mom's looking at her house. Like, I don't.


We'll figure it out. Or I'm just gonna have to, like, figure out how to, not how. I mean, yeah, how. But I'm gonna have to do, like, the into a computer thing, probably, if we're gonna do more than three people. But this is my first moment, three. Oh yeah. Make it like a common


thing where we just, like, find a topic that we're pissed off about during the week and just come in and just vent.


I like it. We gotta figure out a name, because we'll have to have, like, Ducking reality with Holly and Danielle and,


like, Ducking reality with, why the fuck


that's perfect. I've been called What the actual fuck yeah, it's


probably a podcast. Is already, we'll just call it the fucking reality, the dry


reality every day when I open my news app, and then there's some new I know, I know, terrible I can't just sit behind the sand. No, I just saw Dr Oz is gonna be in charge of fucking Medicare today.


Serious. I'm gonna be slugs. Mackenzie, you feel me like, do it. I'm gonna have so many layers on ice. That's a bad joke in this moment in time.


Oh, man, wait. Well, let's start with the first it's, um, it's actually the inaugural podcast in the studio. Yes, in the studio, you are very special. There's like, two TV screens. I know everything's not hooked up yet. The TV is gonna get hooked up, the cameras, I still have to figure out, but we're I'm getting there. You ever wanna


know this podcast? So I'm just trying to play in video games and just talking shit on the side to you guys.


Oh, Wilkie made me do that. I know yesterday was or Sunday was his birthday, but wait so I just want to introduce everyone that's here, because we're just going to


start jumping right. We can cut on that first No, I thought we're just like getting like warmed


up, but I always lose not quite


as loose as ours. It's been a few


years. All right, welcome to Dr.


I forget. Welcome to Ducking reality. By the way, I'm good at it anymore.


Yeah. I was like, Oh, I wonder. Because, all right, so I started a new dating app thing. All right. First of all, y'all, welcome to Ducking reality.


Hello, everyone today.


Cheers. Today. We have on the pod two of our former guests. On my right, we have Danielle from Danielle still choose a bear. Yes, still holds true. And on my left, Holly with from hot dogs with Holly, you might remember, because she already told me to fuck something with me. Fuck my mouth,


fuck me because you fucking put you know, in case you were wondering, this is an NSFW podcast,


mayonnaise on her, her hot dog. Don't


put mayonnaise on anything. Do you have? No wait,


I was on the part, sorry you make it soft, but Whoa, there's just so many ketchup also. I've had a couple because I've had a bad


day, but, well, I was gonna say I started like a new app, and it's, you know, like a, more like a poly app. Someone's like, Oh no, you've really, no,


okay, go on well, because even


though you thought, just because you were swiping on people, things were gonna happen for me, they're just that's not those apps


open, right? Well, like I said, before, come out with me, I will well, my friends married other people because of me, right? That was a bad way to say that one our humble brag got a little I was


like, Wait till okay.


No, okay, so I say it so my two friends, Alex and Nina. I introduced them. They got married. And then my two friends, Alex and Laura, think you guys might know them a little bit. Oh, I think I haven't met the baby. My friends, my friend Kara, like swears that she introduced him in the back of last week, and my first fall, that was my house, and that's where I introduced people. They were together for 10 years. They just got married in June. Let's


do. Is matchmaker.


I'm here for it. Well, you don't want to match


make. I mean, I'm, I'm figuring it out. You are just, I want to hear this.


Then I was thinking about poly people, and then I think about things. And then I thought, huh, I don't did Holly date guys ever? Yeah. So then I was talking about whether


or not straight at the I had a light stalker for a little bit. Oh, I was living with some friends over the marketplace on Lincoln and Stanton, where mahes is, or, oh yeah. And I was just like, fucked up. I was just fucked up, and I was trying to get some and obviously I'm not gonna fuck my roommates, because they're like, brothers to me. And like, my friend Joe. He's like, here's my buddy, Chris. I was like, You ever been in that side room? And he was like, Sure have. And I was like, What about the pool table? Because we had a pool table. He walked up the stairs and pool table, and then he walked into the kitchen of the rest house. It's fucking weird. So yeah, get him a blowy. Okay. Super into it. And I'm like, I know you are.


Look at them lips. We went into


the room, and he was short and sweet. And then after that, I was getting repeated phone calls and text messages showed up at the bars. I worked. Oh, I told my buddy Joey, like, Hey, your buddy Chris, needs to chill it out. Yeah? And then Fun fact, like, like, a year or two later, and I was like, down with dude. I'm like, with an X of mine. And I was like, fuck. She's like, what? I was like, Yeah, I used to bang that dude. Like,


I used to, did you not hear that word Yeah? And he just passed him


at the pool table like his new chicken was just like, Yes, I see you care. I mean, if you're ever listening to this Chris, weird guy, just learn how to move it.


Well, I don't know. Is it worse? If that like, at least you can feel it,


at least you're not rolling down, at least you better be able


to eat it, like, outside of the room. Like, are you okay? Because, like, I'm like, the little sister. I'm like, yeah.


About the gagging noises, I'm fine. They're like,


that's funny. I just found that hookah, by the way.


Bring it back memories.


Over here.


We'll get there. Yeah, get there. I mean, we all meet people in bars. That's how, that's actually, I mean, that's how I met the guy was with the longest I was a regular this bar. I was, like, my old co worker took me there, and it was down by the giant stadium. Oh, God. And Mama momos. Mamas, not momos. No, it used to be called Polo Grounds. It's now called the stick. Yeah, so Polo Grounds, it was named for the original baseball stadium of the giants when labor is still in New York. See, we're gonna tie it all into history. Look at me. Look at that, see, but yeah, no, I actually this was like 2014 and so I used to take Cal train. And so one night, I just stayed past the midnight train. And actually, yes, the COVID got a little bit of a show on the way back.


I mean, like, can you imagine, like, you give a blow job in the back of a lift, and then you're star


rating? Like, actually, nobody picked this Oh up, or do, or really do. Oh, no timing. She was gonna do this. I knew she was gonna do this. She was supposed to call me at 536, 30. I understand there's traffic on the bridge, but like you said, you're gonna call me from the


car. Fine. Did she call? Wait to call you from the driveway? Like I


don't know. I don't know we would complicate a relationship. It's not because I'm like, banging her daughter really well.


It could be just because a little bit, I feel like a lot of people have certain relationships with mothers,


my my girlfriend is like, best friend with my mom, Yeah, but see, it doesn't, it's


that doesn't always happen. She's like, we're gonna watch


Alfred Hitchcock's movie. Because I'm like, and when I wanna switch to she's like, I don't know. Don't know, wait, I


wanna date with your mom. Thanks. Bye, see you later. Yeah, no, I actually, I mean, like, the person I consider to be more of a mom to me is my best friend's mom, and he and I used to date. Like, oh,


I met him. Yeah,


yeah, Brett, yes. He told me i. Yeah, we were kids. I was like 18 to 21 so there's just a lot of shit that we went through,


really, because I was, like a full grown adult at 18,


obviously. I mean, with that rack, I would have


thought she's ready to go, whatever you want. Yeah,


like, about this fucking trend, because I don't fuck with Tiktok. I've been, I've been trying to, especially since the election, I'm trying to, like, kind of stay off of social media a little bit, which is very hard. I When have you seen me post shit since then? No, you're


like, guess what? I read? I will read. Is it like, bitchy read?


She reads just tick tock and Twitter,


I don't do the tick tock. I'm like 72 No, it's weird. There's like a there's like a gap between like Gen Z and like Jen, like Gen Xers and Boomers who fucking love tick tock, and then a lot of millennials. I know, no, I can't. We've already had all of the social media I don't want anymore. Remember Vine. Vine was what I watched. Like,


I was gonna ask you to correct me or not, what? Like that tick tock was a new vine. I loved vine, yeah? Like, but it was 10 seconds, so was


really short, yeah, most


it was like 30 seconds, and now it's like, what you get 90 I don't know. I don't


know if you bring a vine back,


bring my space back, and teach us how to code again.


My my brothers did, my sister did. No, actually, I don't think my sister did. I never had a MySpace. It was, wow. It was too complicated for


me. I had to sneak it out of my space because my parents were so religious, I wasn't allowed. So I had to make it at my friend's house,


you know, like, bad add. Like, I do. Like, yeah, you learn one fucking code. You're like, so why does it work for everything? You're like, switching out the URLs, or it's like, red background, yeah, he


was not. He


was only a twinkle in hard hard drives.


It took me forever to get a Facebook, and I don't even use it anymore, really. And then it took me forever to get an Instagram and like, I just learned how to like like. It's not a filter thing, but you can like,


Oh, it is a filter.


Can't see what she just did. You can just, like, do this. Like, you can stickers, not stickers, but you can, like, edit. Are you


talking about Snapchatting,


which is another one I've never had. I tried it. I


used to. I still really like Snapchat.


It's that and like Reddit. Reddit can find everything or a lot of like, you know what? I've been drinking. Guys. Helped me shocking I'm doing for you.


I know you're drinking for me now I drink


for you always. I was like, having a conversation with my brother, like, years ago, years ago. And I was like, bro, you like this? I saw this weird video on this porn site I'm on, and he's like, you're on a porn site. He's like, Reddit fool. And I was


like, wait, what? It was, just introduced this concept recently, because


I wasn't in on Reddit, like, the same, right? And then he was like, yeah, just type in whatever you want. Okay, cool. It's just a bunch of fucking gifts. The same thing for 10 seconds, and get it, yeah, like 30 seconds. So I want to pull it. That's for some people. That's all it takes to get you to sponsor for your loyalty. You like a good porn site, x in take care of all your needs, gay, straight, lesbian, trans, deepest desires. Here for you for free. There you go. Subscribe. Now,


remember when you say, that's why I think so funny that you still see these infomercials for like, the one 800 phone stacks, like, Who the is still calling that, because the dudes


that pay for it think that they're not going to get traced, even though,


I mean, that's kind of a silly question, I guess, because people pay for only fans and now, well, now as, hey, you know what? Let them girls and whoever get show money, because you ain't paying off. Or


whoever first started, we used to barter for brownies, rice, rice,


Krispies. Wait. You were bartering for desserts from your


only fan started. It was a bake sale. No. They asked me out. I get none of that problem. The fudge got a little too hot for my endorphins today. Thank you. Fudge got a little too hot while someone was filming it, and then you got Two Girls One Cup. Is that a real name, obviously. Well,


it's fairly straight, yeah. Like, that seems like a very distinct last name,


like Angela white. She's in a bunch of stuff. Oh, I fucking love her. I love her. And, like, you know, I listen to her daddy, Daniels.


I don't think my brother's pocket.


We're just giving helpful tips. Now,


every time Holly and I sit down, we're gonna have to talk about Mom, don't listen. My brother's favorite. Well, I don't know if it's his favorite. I don't know if he has one. Now he feels like he's dead inside. That says that 2020, 20, 2019 No, 2020, his favorite porn star was Tanya Trump. Oh, wow, oh, she, she took on the the No, no, I guess she took on the name as a joke.


Yeah, I will


definitely look up. Y'all can't see what I'm saying. Well, my face looks like but she bad, and she probably clean


too. She looks like she showers.


That's always good. Well, Angela, wait, like always looks like she's like she's having fun. And then I was in, like, enjoying it. She's Yeah, and then I well, and then she was on a podcast, and she's talking about how, like, she really is, and she's like, Yeah, I'm not, like, why would I do it if I'm not enjoying well? And I was like, now I like her porn even more. Yeah, no. And


I think there's something except for that, because there's sometimes I've tried to watch, and in particular, like, especially if you're watching, like, lesbian porn, and you can tell that it's just for the male gaze. Yeah, and it's that's not, you're not really in this you're doing it for a paycheck, which, by all means, but we'll get your money. But I'm not getting off because you look like you're faking it with a woman, which I don't want to see that it's gonna be fake it with a dude, at least that's more believable,


if you don't know anatomy, is anatomy okay, if you are with a chick and y'all can't get somewhere near there, I'm trying to be nice, because I know I just I learned recently that some women just literally cannot orgasm. I know, yeah,


I have a friend that's like, you know, she's in her 40s, and she was saying something. She's like, Yeah, my dude never makes me and I was like, what? Why is he your dude? Then, yeah. And I was like, but tell me you do by yourself. And she was like, Well, I mean, and I was like, then you are not like, I feel like we need to go have a class. You need to find an expert. Like, it's it,


it's a medical condition. Shitty ass medical condition. Well, would you rather have that medical condition or this one that I can also know about where you This dude just comes every 30 seconds. Oh,


man. How do you even function? Oh, there was


a Grey's Anatomy about some chick that does that, and


they were filming him who had his wedding. He's like, I love you for he's like, here's my Oh, my God, I gotta find that video. It's, it's probably a decade or so old, but Reddit will be like, this is the guy's name. His wife's not mad about it, as long as it stays hard, okay, I'm tired, not my eye again. My hair. Bradley, I just got it done.


Although no. Maya, yeah, no. My, my, my friend who was up here from LA last weekend the first she's laughing because she knows who it is, because the first time we met. So I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna name names I don't know, like he didn't actually listen to my last episode, so I don't know that he won't listen this one, but whatever, it's a fun time. It's good. It's very dark in here, growing


our own reality. Hey, nice. Look at


that. Smooth, smooth. But no, the first time we met and hooked up, I had just gotten my hair done, like that week, like it was freshly braided, and so I straight up told you can touch anything else. Don't touch my fucking hair. Like and he was, you know, he was good about it, guys, some good and there were not a lot of boundaries. But that was one, and it


was respected. He


ended up just punching her in the


stomach. That dick somewhere else


watches. I'm gonna bring it all, all over that. So I was at the bar, like, I don't know, two weeks, three weeks ago now, and this, like, it's a kind of a quieter night, but like, it's starting to pick up, and these two beautiful women come in, and I'm pretty sure they're on a date, and it's like, probably a mixed chick and a black chick. I did I was just, like,


coming every Thursday,


and like, so they come in and I'm waiting, someone, and then this older white woman that comes into the bar, you know, the bat and smells, see white people, and like, she's like, Oh, look at your hair, because the black Chick Hat is beautiful. And I was like, I could see it happening. And I'm like, No, and I'm like, No. And I was like, you guys know me. Like, I was like, No. And as I'm handing the woman her beer. I'm like, I can see the white lady coming over. And I was like, sorry, I'm gonna beat that part out. And like, I look at the girl, and I just hand her or woman, and I hand her beer, and I'm like, I'm sorry. And she looks at me, kind of confused. And then she sees the like, woman coming at her. She has no home training. And then she's like, she's like, Oh my god, your hair is so beautiful. And you know, the woman's very gracious at first, and she's like, can I and I was like, no. She's asking. I'm yelling no from behind the bar. And she looks at me and she looks at me and like, kind of like, taking it back, and the woman is so nice about it. And was like, and she's like, but why not? And like, because it's fucking weird. And like, she looks at me, and I was like, so confused. And I didn't even mean to like, be that like, but I was just like, I can't believe this is happening in a bar in 2024 you know, many times I wish her more white people


a serious ask question, yeah. Okay, so I don't know if you guys heard this, but there's like a taco bar up on Webster. They just call themselves taco patrol, and their their literal banner is Donald Trump, oh, driving a truck with Kim Jong Un and Putin in the back. I saw it on peeps, oh my God. And I was, like, just reading the comments, yeah, the tea, whatever. And, like, I noticed that Hello, white people were like, This is not cool. Fuck this. Go. Fuck yourselves. And then, like, hello, Latin dudes that I know from the town are like, what's wrong with that? It's fine. And so now I'm like, Okay, well, this is obviously a Mexican own restaurant, and Mexicans are supporting it, but Hello, white people are like, this is not cool, right? So like, what do you guys think about that? Like,


white supremacy is internalized in a lot of people. That's like, you Well, I think, eight times, which is equivalent to an orgasm. Apparently not true. I know it's definitely


not true. That's something that a


lot of men will say to make themselves feel better. Themselves feel better. Uh, no. But, like, in all seriousness, though, I really think there is something to be said for that being the case, because there's also, I mean, Latinos are in a monolith, you know, like Latinx folks, it's the same as, like, there are white Latinx folks, like humans, don't necessarily consider themselves to be, quote, unquote, Hispanic. UNQUOTE Hispanic or whatever, so I think to but if you I don't know, I can't only say so much because I'm not of that community, so I can't speak to


also that. Like, do you think it's overstepping Well, or do you think it's just like, people are like, isn't like? Are they trying to, like, poke fun at all of that? You know what I mean? Like, is it done in like, satire or, like, yeah, like, what? What else? You know what I mean? Like, kind of thought it was satirical, like, because I might think it's a funny joke, you know what I mean. But if someone was serious and was like, woo hoo. Like, then I'm like,


the comments, you'd be like, at first, like, the first, like couple comments were like, okay, yeah, that's really not cool. But they're like, after seeing like, Latin responses who are just, like, two, like, super cool. It's like, I had a friend who was German, Irish, whatever. Like, we've been together. We work together, yeah. And I'd be joking around with, like, some of my friends who are look just like me. And I'd be like, Yeah. And she like, I don't like when you say that, what, fuck you. And she's like, I don't like it when you say the N word. I'm like, why? And she's like, it's really offensive. I'm like, too. And she's like, I just think if we're going to come through in community, like, we should stop using slang. And I'm like,


I can kind of German, Irish background. Got it? Okay?


I just say as the token in the room. I don't like that word either, but I don't like it because I have so many friends or grew up with so many black people that didn't like that word. Yeah, so like, I know that it can make some black people really uncomfortable. So like, I don't so like, I don't want people using it in my bar. But if, like, three black dudes come in. And they're yelling at it, not yelling, but like, they are talking to each other, and it's not, it's not your way. I'm saying, like, if they're just chatting with each other and they're using it, I'm not gonna say anything. If they, if they get into a fight and they start yelling at each other, then I'm gonna step and be like, Yo, stop using that word in my bar like that. Yeah. I mean, like, I think tone sometimes has some things


between, like, it being friendly being derogatory, yeah, right. It's also, like, confusing in this community, because it's like, oh, you're gonna call him a dumb nigga, and then be like, Oh, this is my nigga, right? Yeah? Which I don't use nigga very often. Same. I use it when I'm with Danielle. It's very


I mean, honestly, no, it is. I mean, I used to use a lot more when I was younger. And I'm not gonna say I don't sing along to every fucking lyric in a Kendrick lavar song or Tupac or whoever, father


hated that word oh yeah around him, he would be fucking pissed. That was the


thing my dad, too. My dad grew up in time, like when he moved here, he was part of the Great Migration generation. So, like, it was never something that was really used in a familial, like friendly way, I mean, kind of still amongst black folks, but that's the same as, like, gay people. I've heard use the F word, and gay men in particular. I'm not going to sit there and tell them, please, I don't like it, like, I don't use it but, but I unless it starts to be, like, you said, like, really thrown around in a way where I'm like, Hey man, you know, like, I'm not. It's not. I don't feel it's necessarily my place to say something about it. However, it is weird to have that come from a white person when you're just talking amongst other black people for that, like tone policing and I might I've checked, I've checked other minorities from using it. I've checked, I've checked black people from using it. They fucking like, find another word, bro. They're motherfucker. Is a great word. Samuel Jackson uses it all the time. I love Mother. I use it a lot. I use


it a lot. I don't use the other one. Yeah, no, she's like, just her clarification. Siobhan does not drop the N word ever.


I'm not saying I haven't in the past, especially younger, but mostly like


singing, yeah, exactly. But so yeah, I'm gonna


be with God. Hey,


yeah, we can just pause.


And actually, you know, our dear friend Matt, being one of them, and being, like, kind of delving into more of, how can we solve these issues, and also, like, why the Democrats lost, right? And all of you know it's obviously not ideal, but it's also like, at least they gave us, they hold us what they're gonna do in Project 2025, so it also gives us a heads up on how to counter. There's gotta be stuff


that we can do to stop it. Like, yeah, I just, I can't even, like someone the other day was like, I can't even believe it. And I was like, the fact that you can't believe it is the part that worries me. Like, yeah. Like, I didn't.


It's the cognitive dissonance that goes along with the Yeah, yeah. And,


like, I thought for real, like, I really was like, it'll, like, work itself out in the right way. And like, thanks. And it just, but I wasn't shocked. Oh yeah, go for it, whichever you want to show. Jimson, no, I still have a little bit in here. Are you still responsible? I know so comfortable, they're vented, like, like, thank you. I know you all wish you could see this room right now.


Yeah, did you guys hear me peel out?


No, so I had, I swapped out batteries just in case, because we were starting to get a little low. Yeah, an hour while you were pooping, we were


it just pushes it out. Like, I know my kidneys are good. My doctor told me so. But like, there's like, I just like, sometimes I wake up. I'm like, I didn't even like drink that much water tonight, and then, and then they go to the bathroom. Hey,


at least it means the kitties are working just fine, and it's just like, whoa. I thought I had to pee a little out. My cat comes in, and she's like, you good. She's like, No, honey. Like you good. I love this mix of levity with the series we were, like, talking about, you know, racial slurs and the but that I do think it's funny that, or not funny, funny in a, like, scary way, where a lot of people are like, it's the end of democracy, and where I'm like, Well, we were never a true democracy to begin with. No, US has never we've had this illusion that we are, right? So it was fun. Yeah, it was a nice little we were so I think. And you know, this is the double edged sword media, and this is why they want to ban tick tock or change whatever. And again, I don't do the tick tock, but I see I want, I wait for the reels to show up a week or two later on Instagram, like a fucking adult okay,


I swear to God, it shows up on fucking Instagram, and then I see it on Reddit. And my girls like, no, Reddits first,


no, it's the tiki Tok. It's that one. But it's like, I think to. To the fact that we're seeing like that. That's


just how women sound in my head.


Good to know I learned something new about you every day. Charlie Brown teacher, which is how a lot of straight cis men will hear us.


They're not listening to this podcast the other night.


I'm glad it was that funny,


though, bartenders and he said something, and I was like, Oh, of course, because you said it. And he's like, yeah. He's like, Yeah, people just listen to me. I don't know why not, because you're a tall white dude who seemed angry all the time. He's like, you don't have to say that


out loud. We've reached a time in a place that I'm gonna say whatever the fuck I want about white men. Okay, sorry, I have three brothers who are and I can say it. Oh, that's it. That's another unique perspective. I'm the only mixed one out of my siblings. So that's so interesting to me. Dude, I have three brothers who and I this is, you know, probably a distasteful joke, but take it as you will. I would call them Hitler's tree because they're blonde hair and blue eyed. They look like the massive children's cornworks, but not that one doesn't land the same for everybody. And when you say it like that, I have a fucked up sense of humor. I thought it was funny all the time, but you got it, you got it. It's funny. Blue eyes.


Yes, you are cultured. You're so cultured, I could tell I made a reference to, like, an early 90s horror movie. So like, Ben should love me right now, obviously,


no, but it's just it lends a unique perspective in the sense that, oh, a couple of them I actually don't really have much relationship with, because we were just so separate and so now, and they're, you know, military and all of this shit, oh, so yeah, like they were in Desert Storm and in Iraq and Afghanistan. And they are, I'm 34 they are 51 yeah, we're very spread out. For the record, yes, my mom is not the same. We're not all from the same. That'd be impossible, because my oldest sister is 67 and my mom is 74 I'm sorry. Hold on.


My parents are 14 years we're in a safe space. Like, okay, my mom is 72 Yeah. Oh, I think mine is too. My sister is 41 or 40, because


that's not her kid, no. But, like, the lack of an age difference my dad and my dad was alive to be 88 so, like, he would have been, he was actually older than Emmett Till, yeah, yeah, you did that. Yeah.


Take a minute, get it on the windows.


It happened, yeah, when my when my I guess, when my grandmother? All my biological grandparents passed before I was born. So I didn't actually, you know, know much about them, but he told me that his mom moved him here to California from Oklahoma because she was afraid he would get lynched, and he was


nine when they moved here. So wait, how old are your grandparents? I mean, sorry, sorry. What year were your grandparents born


in? My my grandmother, my paternal grandmother, was born in 1920 so she was 16 when she had my dad, and then his father, I think, was born in 1917 or 1918 so I'm really not that far removed from, like, slavery. No,


my sorry to laugh at that when I talk to other, like, like, you know, folk who are similar to me. My My maternal great grandparents were born in like, 1886 my granddad was born in 1908 or six. We don't know, because everybody


my dad has two different birth certificates,


yeah. My My grandmother was born in 1924 Okay, and then it's weird because my my maternal grandfather, born in 1908 played in the same jazz club as my paternal great, oh, wow, that's wild. So they played at Santa Fe club in Oakland, California, hey, right next to Esther's orbit room, all that kind of stuff. But it's crazy that on one side, he's my great grandfather, on the other side, he's my grandfather, yeah, that's just crazy to me. It's really common in a mixed Absolutely, like, world that we live


in. I think that's cool. I think it's more common than than people like to believe honestly. But


like, I have friends who are like, Oh yeah, my fucking great granddad was, like, born in 1933 I'm like, my grandma was born in 19 right?


My dad was born in 1936 Yeah, that's so crazy. It's


wild. Yeah, it's crazy. And like, I mean, so our, all of our backgrounds, regardless of race, are similar because of, like, geography and political times and, like, especially if you're black, especially if you're Irish, you know? I I saw your I forgot to grab your check, but no, that's all right. I was just like, I know your last name, but like, it never registers to me until I saw your check. And I'm like, that is the most Irish,


full on Gaelic name, bro,


I'm from Boston, and they're like, Yeah, same


thing. Well, yeah. But like, in in our culture, you have young and you want them to not have young. Yeah, they do it anyway, yeah? So next, you know, your great grandma's 46 Yeah? Like, it's crazy to


me, yeah, I have cousins that are older than some of my aunts and uncles. Yeah, I have, because, like, my grandmother was pregnant at the same time several her kids were pregnant. That's true, but


then it's also, I mean, I think about I have, I have nieces and nephews who are older than I am, and then I have two of my nephews who we grew up like cousins, because they're literally, like, a year and two years younger than me. Yeah, that's right, they couldn't they, well, they couldn't grasp when we were kids, they couldn't understand why I would only come over with grandpa, and they couldn't understand, like, oh, wait, you're our grandpa is you're like, you're my mom's sister. That doesn't make sense, no, but I have, I like, I have great nieces and nephews. I'm 34 I tell people that, and they're like, What like that same reaction that Holly has right now? No, I do. I do. It's kind of wild. I stopped counting how many I have, because there's so many


that's, I have a lot, you know, like, if God was real, he'd be like, Guess what, dude, I'm cutting your shit off at like, 41


like, no, no, men, ain't got no time.


Has a fucking eight month. That's that is that has to have been, that has to have been IVF. There's


no, no. She's just young, I know. But, I mean, how,


like, I don't want to, I don't want to think about, but you don't have any


sex. I mean, I'm not


him and Robert De Niro. Robert De Niro. Robert De Niro just had


a kid. You're looking at me. Look at me. Yeah, talking to me. Didn't one of


the rock and roll guys, just have a kid too, like the rock and roll guys, Rolling Stones guys, Mick Jagger didn't. Mick Jagger just have a kid too. He's probably got like, 1005


or five or 10 years ago when he was also 70, which is not better, but I thought he was 8010. Years


I got a good 20 years out of my


day. Eight months old is going to be like Papa, and


he's gonna be


like he's gonna look like Jimmy Carter on his y'all saw that picture


right? Pile of dust. Baby Mama won't throw away because she's like, maybe we can sort it, sell a little bit of it on eBay. She getting that inheritance. So not not the current girlfriend that has eight month old, but the ex girlfriend, who just turned 30 or so, is getting$30,000 a month from him. And I'm like, Okay, this is why. I mean, just like, two months, maybe at least, let me invest some of it. Yeah, go travel, disrespectful to lifestyles, but like Al Pacino has talked about since, like, 1997 like and I royalties aren't shit anymore. So how the fuck he made millions of dollars in the 70s? Yeah, no, he's got all those other movies


in the 90s.


You could tell which ones he did for didn't he do one with


Zach Efron? That's like, the 2000s at least. Okay, no,


that was, that was a neuro


and he probably made, like, dirty a million bucks, a million bucks between, versus now in 1970 is like 99 cents and$1.50 okay? Like, shit is expensive. There's no way this motherfucker can, with all his royalties, can do $30,000 a month when he's not, yeah, but he's


also produced a bunch of movies, like, he's had other things, you know, we


need to see her financials. Yeah, he, he did, like,


you know, answers. He did commercial.


Oh, man. Like, no. I mean, okay,


I'm sorry. Here's the thing, okay, men who have royalties from barely doing shit, barely acting, they're, they're gonna pay $30,000 a fucking month, right? And then you got people who like, what was her? What's that? She was an actress, and then she married the Pepsi mogul.


That nervous,


yeah, because she was, she was like, not, not Faye Dunaway, it's like, it's like, some they


don't like, Damn you, taking it way back. I am old. No. I mean, we all


know who Fay Donovan, I know. Well, there's a monitor right there. I just got hooked up.


That's your phone. That's your phone. You have a computer in your hands. Talk about Bo Derek so


Alfred Steele married Joan Crawford. Oh, no. Way back, no, but she like no. But despite all. The fucking Realty she had, she was fucking broke,


yeah, she was also on drugs, wasn't she


even wasn't against, am I not okay? So I know, I know. Thanks, sugar mama. No, I think there's, I don't know. I just, I think it depends on the situation. I also, I also have friends who I actually, when I went to Philly a couple years ago, I went for their wedding. They're both from Philly. They met at the bar I used to work at in San Francisco, the red Jackson. Go check it out Bay in Stockton. I will promote them forever. Are you wearing the shirt I am? Actually, I was there yesterday after work was great. But no, they are, like 2022, years apart. And I mean, they're doing well. They're not home together. They moved back to Philly during COVID, and that's where a bunch of us went out for their wedding. And I just remember the first time because I used to work with this chick prior to them meeting. Okay? And so knowing her like dating history prior to this and then. But also, oddly enough, because the city is so small, I didn't know that there was a point in time where I had moved into an apartment on Treasure Island, where my then roommate was the dude she moved to San Francisco from Philly with, Oh, wow. It was super random. I was like, how? And I didn't know until we had, like, a fucking house party, and I had a bunch of my my co workers from that same job there. I don't want to give that company A shout out, because I don't even do that. It's a corporate place on Pier 39 I'll leave it at that. There's a lot of them everywhere, and it's not Bubba Gump. I love allude to it. They have a guitar shaped hotel wherever you go in major cities. So,


oh, I got friends with the one up. Let's go


chain the air bomb, and then they play Forrest Gump on a loop. Apparently they used to do it with the sound on I was like, That's fucking depressing. And also, do you edit it? Because people bring their kids to this


shit. Jenna, would you like some more pops, like New Year's?


Jenny's just getting rare,


getting thrown around by the guy who's supposed to be like, the the good hippie, and he's actually like, a woman beater, and they're like, this is what commies actually do.


Hippy in the 60s was they beat women, every


one of them. My mother was married to a hippie. I mean, I'm not surprised. Misogyny runs deep. It doesn't matter what you call Yeah, it does for those so you can have white men those tacos. Thanks, you better act right. Take all the tacos.


Oh, we're Yes. This would be a fun editing process for you. We cut a lot, or we keep it all 30 minutes a


whole new demographic. It really


is. They're gonna reach all the demographics with all of the subject matter we


covered so many confused in cells and horny lesbians. Which way do we go with this and like, allies, like, what are they? They're not wrong, but it's not right. Yeah,


welcome to the craziness that is my mind crazy the relative term you're wrong, yeah, yeah, I feel like crazy is a relative term. In this day and


age, we're moving and shaking. We are back up and running.


Yeah, my mother in


law is being nice, curious to mother in law, yeah, I mean, mine's dead. I'm divorced, but


this will be maybe one day I'll have one, but


we'll see mine died right right after I left. Oh yeah, that was an uncomfortable funeral. I'm sure, God damn, people had it. Didn't know I left. I just told the story to someone else the other day, and I was like, Yeah, I'm like, I'm walking and I'm at the funeral, and like, her sister in law comes over to me and was like, we didn't even know. And I was like, What do you mean? She's like, No one knew you left. And I was like, Grandma knew. And grandma just looked at me and looked


away. She's like, you, grandma. I didn't want to tell


nobody. I mean, I think, no, I think my ex husband really thought I was just going to come back. Well,


I learned more about your your backstory when I listened to your episode with Donna, oh, yeah, because I didn't know a lot of that stuff. And which, I mean, to be fair, it's understandable. It's a lot of shit, and it's a lot of heavy subjects and things I


don't talk about it that much like someone the other day was like, You were married? And I was like, Yeah. And they were like, what? And I was like, what? Like, why is that so? Like, I was kind of insulted. I'm like, You don't know me that well. Why is it so shocking to the guys married? No,


no, you told me. And I was like, Oh, yeah. Things don't work out.


Yeah? He was like, well, but they were like, I can't picture you married. And I was like, I don't know how to take that.


Yeah. I can, like, well fed, yeah? Right. Great,


caregiver. Good. No, I think maybe it's just because I don't know. I don't I get, I mean, that's almost kind of a weird thing of somebody to say. It's like, okay, I'm actually married. It's like, why? Because you don't think someone want


to marry me. Yeah, that's what I mean, I didn't know how to take it so fiercely independent. I think that's probably the latter. I was gonna say the latter, yeah, because, I think because I've had, because when I met you, you're like, I don't need no man. Yeah, I mean, like, like, no, it's hard. I just want to go back to that's how every woman sounds. No. It's just like, I don't need no man. Like, long term, like, for a night. Guess what? Fun weekend. I was like, Okay, get out. Why are you here? I used to, I had a


run in my early 20s where I was like, we ain't cuddling. Oh.


Like, I have never had that run. Like, I want to like, I want to like, like, at one point when I started to start dating, Ben, was like, I love that. I'm here for your sexual revolution. And I was like, Can you let me know in the revolution,


I'm so frustrated. He calls me the toaster shoe, and I respect that she been coming out with these quips, bro, I swear to God, the touch of the two we all have like it. I haven't told him this, but,


oh, wait, no, I need to know. Yeah, so how did his name come about? He gives me


nicknames every week. But he said, toaster like, that's the one. And he said, you like it, that's all. I said, I like it, but, you know, I like it. Why? Because the toaster shield was German, because I'm German, and the toaster makes


you are a toaster. Strudel pregnancy. Ding, I'm going to Germany in May. I know I'm so excited about me. Yeah, it'll be my third year I go to Germany. I've never


so I met a couple different parts, but we gotta, yeah, like, I'd like to go to places before World War Three starts. Um, I don't know


if we can make it before Tuesday, anywhere before January, 20 of 2025, world war three. Wherever you go, you say, what


does that mean?


I don't know. I know,


my first year I went to Germany, there's videos me bartending behind a bar. I do not remember any of it. I only know it happened because I have the videos of it on my phone. That's


amazing. I've always wanted to go. I am a quarter German. I've always wanted to my my mom's maiden. Actually, I'm not going to say it. You can bleep it out. I'll tell you guys, it's very German. But I also wonder exactly No, Myers part of the name, though, but it's also, they came over. She's, she's second generation. No, they're, they're definitely, she's, she's German. Do not


hear about her brothers,


Norwegian and their dad was Irish, though it was so. But also, a lot of shit got misspelled or changed at Ellis Island too. Yeah. So there's so you know, it's American people, the same as Meyer, like, Oscar Meyer, M, A, M, a, y, E, R, oh, Mayor Meyer. But it's pronounced Meyer, you know, like, yeah. So I wonder English, okay, no, but I just, I just wonder if maybe they were of a certain cultural and religious background that they decided to fucking leave before some shit


in King of England. They're all German descent, yeah, because they're Saxons. Saxons our episodes. You know, how you get rid of the smell this gun sacrifice. That exact response she did. She's like, how about this? Get ready for badger zone. It wasn't just my flame. Every day


is going to be bad. Just I do really. I've always wanted to go to Germany. I've always been interested in going to Norway.


Do you know these don't work. They're just really low. I turned them down before I took them off because


you have another tech issue. I turn them down because when I put them on the table and they're


actually, I remember telling it really this table of Norwegians that came in when I used to work at a certain place on Pier 39 that again, owned by a company that has guitar shaped hotels. Take what you bought from that we talked about it. There's one. In every there's one in Vegas, there's one in Orlando.


I love to say that I know what it is, and I kind of think I do know what it


is forever. It's fucking hard


rock. They actually have Cirque du Soleil. I wish some flexible bitches there


on top of them. Do top of them. She's like, wow,


I go to dance class. Ho, I get my stamina. No,


that's why you sucked on sticky thing. No, no, because I was tired. I worked a fucking 16 hours. Did you just say you fell asleep on someone? No, I did not no sticky, thick.


So there's this chick we'll get back to, I guess the other thing I was talking about, no, have you met us? ADHD, we're on the spectrum, bro, we'll get back.


Maybe that's the name of our monthly episode or whatever. And I'm drinking,


that's all right. I'm sure the audience enjoys it, and I'm not even, I wasn't even inhaling the bomb for that. I'm just, I'm still


coughing for the last one. No,


so no, no. Now I totally forgot what I was talking about. No, okay, no,


I was talking to Germans and a white girl that I was talking to anyway. Why is she going to be white? Because she's a white girl. So, y'all, we are trying, but we're just having too much fun.


You know, we'll cover all all spectrums of topic. I call her my reparations.


Oh, my God. I made that joke right after January. Oh my I made that joke to a bunch of black dudes when he was getting it. Dudes.


I was working for this again, it was company, and I was like, doing computer work. All the dudes were downstairs, and it was like, Yep, the same nails, though.


Fucking great. You all are welcome. Enjoy it. You needed a laugh. Here you go. Oh my god.


Like January 6, it just happened, and the dudes come in and they're all like, talking about all the crazy white people that just stormed the Capitol and all this stuff. And what my boss is like, Siobhan, you Siobhan? And I could hear them talking about all the crazy white people. So I was just like, I don't want


to come out. You. Up, because they're not making Siobhan like this, okay, differently. It looks a whole different way. Oh, Siobhan,


she's super cool. Like I talked to her earlier, like she was super helpful. And he was like, yeah. He's like, Well, I don't know why she's not going over. So when they I walked over it, and two the dudes were like, and it did, like a jump back one of the guys, like, Dude, your Siobhan is white.


And I go, Yeah, I Yeah. Just reparations. Everyone gets a white girl dead. Oh, my God, sorry. My people just com has their higher subscription. Please subscribe and you'll get 50% off your subscription. It's up to you to know how to spell it depend on your reparations promo code.


Oh, my God, I have to. That makes me think of a and I'm definitely paraphrasing, because this is not my joke, but I have, but I have fucked a lot of white guys


I know right. By the way, if you want to see who Daniel fucks this weekend, come to fire, he isn't white. The Flash was on. He had pretty pale skin. Anyway.,




out there.,


oh, my god. Nicole Byron, who I love very much, has this joke about so she has a special on Netflix called Big, beautiful weirdo, and I love her so fucking much. Speaking of having a podcast that goes all over the place her, and she says she or ZEDA, have their best friends podcast, which is very similar to what's going on right now, or they just talk, I've known it was made. He's don't, but I don't know, but it's fucking great, and it kind of reminds me of like, this dynamic, yep, basically does. And they'll take like, Buzz buzzfeed quizzes together to see if they get the same answer, like, choose your choose the dessert that figures out which Disney character you're supposed to be, or whatever. But she has a joke in her special where she talks about how, you know, certain black people had white friends who called them a bunch during the protests of 2020 and basically, like, how can I be better? How can I help keep me? Yeah, give me fucking money. How many commissions do we need to have to figure out if we need fucking reparations, bro, come on. I mean, let's do this. I didn't mean to ruin that. I just like, No, it's okay, I wasn't there yet. Is that what you Is that what you tell the dudes, whatever, yeah, we weren't there yet, or it just is never going to happen. Or both, you tell them both, I'm not there


yet, unless you hear like, but anyway,


she said she was offended that none of the white men that she had booked called her during this time. She's like, it's nothing personal. I just missed the feeling of privilege inside me.


But no, I know I dated enough of them to know this. Oh, wait, Chad's behind me,


and I actually did have a roommate named Chad, who was from Boston, though, they all say they're from Boston, but they're like, outside or from, like, fucking Cape Cod. But people don't think that. People live in Cape Cod. Of course, he was a blonde, white dude. I just want you to know, like, I'm re watching, like, below


like, I'm on season one below deck. There's a Chad, there's always a


chat on a fucking boat. There's, I work with a guy. His


name is CJ, but I think his name is like, Chad Jonathan,


oh, two first names.


Chad Jonathan, like, I'm watching season one. I'm like,


I gave my number to a boat captain the other day, and we were talking the weather day, yeah, like three days ago, like, when he was telling me about what he did, and I was like, Oh, my God, you've been like, below deck. He was a boat captain, like, in the like, islands and all over the world, nothing yet waiting for us to go out on paper, watch


that boat. Your phone. I've already said


some dirty things,


like, who took your phone?


Yeah, code switches too. Okay,


so we, I only learned about code switching, like, recently, like, in the last, like, I'd say, like, I mean, probably the last decade. Like, I didn't, like, I do it, but I didn't know I did it. Like, I didn't know there was a name for it, yeah. I mean, like, Yeah, that's


right, because I didn't know you were, I didn't even know you were from Massachusetts when we first met, because she, I mean, when we very first see her and Donna and get fucking drunk on a Sunday. So, you know,


how do you from Boston? I mean,


she will fucking let you know, no,


bring you to your bottom. It's rung with the best insult, oh,


yeah, that's true. They are very Oh, they're very good about that. She's


like, Oh, those your shoes. Yeah, your mom bought that because, you know what? She's fucking poor shit. You know, guess what? She can't cook, by the way, love you sweat. It also, fix you bun. Okay, thank you. Like,


I made a joke about Trish, you know, our city council. And I was saying, how Irish, I wanted to get T shirts of her. And they were in some I was like, in support of her, I go nowhere in the bush.


Oh, I've seen that video. Speaking of Reddit, speaking of Reddit, you could find that on Reddit, well,


they go though, that's so mean. And I was like, mean. I was like, Dude, if we were in Boston, I would have mugs, they


would be pins, there would be t shirts. We'd have trading cards of different frames. We would have, like, laughed her out of the


house. I'm like, Yeah, people are still trying to defend her,


like, say something real quick. Of course, you guys, you you all three of us here, we drink Yes, hardcore Yes. Drink, hardcore Yes. We're funny. We're beautiful. Great, yeah. But that video of Trish,


yeah. Like, so bad. No, we're not bleeping this bitch's name. Get reelected.


When is the last time, thankfully, you were so fall down drunk. Like, like, honestly, when's the last time you were fall down drunk that you could not fucking figure out where


the fuck you were? Maybe 22


or 23 I'm gonna say, but it


didn't happen. I mean, I'm pretty functional. It's a double edged sword. But I don't know that I've left. I never shit myself. I can tell you that you can find a police report. I


have peed my parents. I have peed on the. Side of many roads.


I haven't peed my parents since like 29 but I should be fall down drunk, right?


Oh, so I have a question. Is this because you think, are you gonna, like, do you think she was roofied? Because that's like, the storyline, no, okay,


if I'm gonna waste a roofie, if I'm gonna waste a roof Oh, to waste a roof. Me two people I know, also me too. But here's the thing, if I was in a circumstance where I had a roofie and I had an opportunity to use one which is disgusting, I say that, yeah, condone date rape. Obviously, I would probably, to be honest with you, that would not be my first choice. No, my first choice would be like, like, a overwhelmingly stimulated red fox. Or like, because they're so cute and they roll around so much, comedian, guy, red fox. All also good album, but no, but I appreciate the red fox COVID. It's either that or, like a very feisty ginger chick. I don't know my friends and ginger and she's, she's been reviewed multiple times, like, luckily, she was with me. But also, when she was Ruby, she's fucking annoying. She's just like, I'm gonna stay up. I'm like, No, but she just have two pairs here passed out. She's like, No, we're gonna redecorate the house. I'm like, okay, that's crack. But if I hadn't called that a little bit, to be fair, if I were gonna, like, if somebody hadn't me a roofie. Like, what do you call Mickey's? Mickeys? Because no more than one. But once again, I have the great WebSite X next, they're not getting me like, yeah, no,


sponsored by one of these. And I could, I could, I could, I knew we did


all night long time that is true. I mean, I could just diddle myself all night long, not have any repercussions or fears. But I could go, there you go, but you wouldn't remember it because you were roofing. Do I want to remember it? Siobhan, do I want to remember what I look up tonight?


No, absolutely, I do have a question. So wait, so you think Trish? Because like me, I'm assuming that you think Trish was just super hammered. I think she was. Did you see the video? I haven't. I haven't seen all of it. I've seen a couple clips of it. I will pull the video right now.


She is, you, Anthony,


right? And


not once in the video, she really lift her head. And not once the minute she said, Oh, I think someone hit me. Oh, I I fell down. Oh, I think I was assaulted. No, no. It wasn't until after she was like, escorted by the EMS, yep, and and word came through Reddit, yeah, of her, of her behavior, it's trying to cover her as when she finally admitted about, I think it was eight days later, yeah, she said, like, a mini state Oh, I appreciate your guys' support. Like I was assaulted that night. And then people kept commenting, like, there's a report, no, there's a report of an assault, right? And she's like, well, I'm pretty sure it was. And everyone's like, Well, why don't you change the cops? And she was, like, in my mindset, I was hit so hard in the head. It's like, on the pavement when you trip in your ugly ass, thick ass heels. Nobody wears wedges.


And that's to like, that's something that though, like, really is shitty too, for someone to use that as, like, I'm using this as an excuse. It's like, no. I mean, we all see that you have a problem. We know everybody knows she's been using it, and she's been using it, and then it's, I just find that to be as, I mean, you know, most women, most a lot of people, especially you know, queer people, brown people, all these things have been assaulted. Like, that's just, that's just a fact of life. Unfortunately, we get assaulted.


Well, my next question was going to be like, have, have you been roofied? Because you just, I have, yeah, I fought hella people. I just got into a, like, a casual conversation from at the bar the other night about people being reviewed, and, like, the amount of women that were sitting there. It was like, Oh, yeah. Well, this Yeah. And, like, it was like, not even women being scary. It was like, two of us were kind of talking, but like, I was working, so we were, you know, talking a couple. You could hear it at the bar. And then, like, this woman chimed in, and then this woman chimed in, and then this woman down here chimed in, and two of the dudes sitting at the bar were so fucking shocked, and not one of us blinked an eye that all of us had been refeed at one point. Yeah, way more common. And like, one of the dudes looked at me, and I was like, you don't want to ask us, How many of us have been raped? And he just, like, looked at me, yeah. And I was just like, and all of us were just like, okay, change up subject. Now, like, just got a


little too real, like they're seeing like a drunk girl at the bar, and like, Oh, this guy's gonna like, but it's so rare that they intervene. They never question it. They're like, Oh, well, he's just taking her home to be safe. And I was like, Well, does she know this guy? Is this her friend? And even if it is her friend, how? Do we know that she's making it home safely? I don't trust it unless she's leaving with another friend. That's a chick, to be honest, most of


the time, right time, yeah, but and then now you have to worry. But there's also, like, references of women being your friend and taking your dude. My first one, absolutely, my first time I got re feed was when it was still the popping.


Was that a bar, you guys know,


some Park Street across from, like, I guess it's a Japanese bar. Now, okay, but it's called the pop in, okay? And you know, it was one of the fucking daytime bars, you know, openness museum. So a friend of mine, a friend and I had a fake ID, the bartenders were either recovering from myth, but I walked in with our fake IDs, and I didn't get fuck because money, money. I just remember, because when you walk in, it was a church war. Now it was Moe's Now Moses closed, but they're like, you walk in the door and there's a wall. This is wrong. I was 18, so it's like, 18 years ago. You walk in, and we walk in, there's a pool table in the back, and there's a guy in a fucking viking helmet, Jesus sword. Wow, wow. No, so this is, this is like, 2000 No, and eight. It's a good lord, yeah, it was like 18 or something, or 19, I don't know, but he's like, just swinging around and like, the bartenders are doing shit. They're like, Oh, that's, that's insane. That's Mickey, I don't know, right? So me and my friend Kayla walk in, and we're just like, we had just gotten her fake ideas to work. So the bartender checks him, and she gives us vaca sodas each she drink, she downs, hers, I down mine. There's a bunch of guys behind us. And like, mind you, like my friend Kayla, was 18, skinny, yeah, brown hair, tall, and I'm just, I'm me, I'm chubby, I'm black. I don't care you think so much, she goes, I don't feel good. And I said, Oh, and she's like, let's just walk home. And I was living oversight at the time, so we walked past my job at spider farmer, stumbled into my house, and she went to bed. I went to bed. She had to go to work the next day at Volvo in San Leandro. She's like, I feel like shit. I was like, I feel like shit too, but I got to sleep till four because I didn't work till four. So she called me, and she's like, Oh, give me a sandwich from Dominica or not Dominicans, Jonathan's. I was like, bet. So I brought her sand. She's like, I really feel like shit. I was like, so do I and then, like, she's like, pull up your receipt


history. Your only had, like, one or two, just the one. Our total


was $14 so in 2009 this is probably three drinks, yeah, yeah, right. And she's like, we didn't walk in drunk. I was like, No. And she's like, but why did we leave so up, and I was like, it took us years to figure it out at the time, like in, at least in our community, like nobody ever talked about, I'm


still not, like, widely talked about.


I know, since I've moved here, I knew there was a dude in like, 2021 that was roofing chicks and and I know three different women, and Alameda police didn't really do a lot. And like, yeah, like, sorry, they in. The women did everything right. The women called and went to the police, they went to the hospital, they went through all of that to, like, do it. And, like, both of them picked the same dude out, and the third one did too, and they never really did anything about Jesus. We all, as bartenders were like, Hey, this guy can't be around anymore. Like, we 86 and got rid of him. And I, like, had a conversation with one of the cops about it. Like, I was like, you guys don't give a shit. Like, no. He's like, you know, we do. I'm like, you don't, because this happened. I was like, and I can tell you three different women. I'm like, I'm sure there are more. Yeah,


they've always, I mean, like, and in particular, you know, being able to report, or being trying to report, is because a lot of the times, yeah, a lot of times, like you said, you know, the cops are either in on it, or they're guilty of doing the same shit, or they just don't, or they just don't give a fuck. I mean, the amount of untested, you know, like rape kits and things like that, but there are, it's really because it's not a priority. And if you do go to the cops, then you're treated like you, like you did something. Why was your show? Yeah, what were you wearing? Like? I remember there was a time and I was this wasn't a time that was roofi, but this was a time that there weren't a couple of those, but this was a time I was still living on, I was still living on Treasure Island, so it was in the city, and I was walking to the then Transbay Terminal. It's not it's now the Salesforce transit center, but in that area to take the bus home, and there was a guy who, if anybody was what she was, what she was wearing, I was wearing fucking flannel, and like, you know, fully, you know, covered, not out here with the titties out, whatever. Also, it doesn't matter. You can have your titties out. You can do whatever. Doesn't give somebody the right to assault. You just. Be clear for anybody who's fucking wondering, but like, there was this guy who, and I don't know if he's unhoused or not, or whatever that was, that's irrelevant, but I had my headphones in, and I was walking down the street, and I was smoking a cigarette, and I probably asked me for a cigarette, whatever I would just you know, I'm on a mission. I'm not right, not talking to you. I'm a knife in my pocket, I would be prepared for walking home, especially if you have cash on it, and even if you don't, which is, you know, the sad thing that, like guys don't think about it's like, if you don't have a weapon, then you're probably walking with your fucking keys tucked between your fingers, just in case I Wolverine your ass. But like this guy, then I can't quite hear what he's saying, but he's following me for blocks at this point, and it's shouting shit at me, and by the time I take my my headphones out, I said something along the lines of, like, he's gonna rape me and got me like, like, terrible, terrible fucking things, and I am the last person to go to the cops. I'm not a fan a tab fuck 12 all day. Yeah. But I walked up to there was a squad car that wasn't too far up the road. And so I walked up to the car, and actually, luckily, it was a female police officer, which, you know, again, not always a guarantee of anybody listening. But he stopped when he saw me talking to a cop. It wasn't even necessarily like, oh, like, he expected him to think, but like, even just the action of it was like, I'm just talking just talking to you, so at least this guy stops following me because you've been following me for blocks, right? You know? And so I think that's it's just really something that, I mean, men don't ever have to think about it. Oh, yeah. Like, why did I just see it was something about, like, there's some report like, men could be extinct. Men, as a portion of the human species could potentially be extinct, and, you know, maybe hundreds of 1000s, if not millions, of years, if we're still alive as a species, then, but, and then women are just like, Yeah, great. And then there are these guys chiming in, like, well, who's going to protect you? And they're like, protect us from, who, right, from, what is you?


Still choosing the bear, bro, don't use the bear all day, all day, and


I'll lend it back to something less, you know. But, yeah, no. And I these are things. This is why, like, as a as a bartender, and I'm sure you, you've done the same thing where you see, because we're, we're always watching people, we're always listening. And so to see, like, if I see a guy kind of making a chick uncomfortable, or even if, I don't know if they came together or not, or whatever, I'm kind of just reading the vibes. I will insert myself into that situation in a, you know, in a way that's non confrontational, but I'm going to check on you. I'm going to keep an eye on this whole fucking thing. And I guarantee you, I'm going to keep an eye on your fucking drink. Yeah, because especially, you know, people meet at bars. It's online thing. That's, I've done it, you know. And so it's like, again, another reason to do this sort of shit in a public place, yeah. But again, that doesn't also guarantee safety. And so I think as a, especially as a, as a woman in control of that space, and anybody should be doing this. Men, in particular, bartenders should be doing this. But, you know, I want people to know that they're safe in a place, right? And because it's so prevalent with all of this shit, yeah,


I had a customer one day that he kept, like, trying to talk to these women, and they just were like, No, thank you. No. Thank you. Thank you. No, thank you. Go back over there, yeah? And he just kept trying, right? And then this chick, and I did not condone this at all, yeah, but she turned around and threw a dart at him, and like, it went right by his head into the wall behind him, and he came out to me, and like, was like, and I was like, and I laughed,


like, I don't condone and they did. He got mad,


and I was like, I was like, Well, I mean, I'm not saying you didn't deserve it, but she shouldn't have thrown it, you know what? I mean? Like, yeah, like, and I was like, listen, girl, you have to leave. Like, you can't be throwing shit at you. Shit at people in my bar. Yeah? And he's like, that could have killed me. And I was like, I was like, Dude, it's a bar Dart. It's not gonna fucking kill you. Like, could it have hurt him? Yeah, in theory, I guess, like, someone's gonna shoot your eye out kind of thing. Like, no, it's metal tip. But, like, but I also, like, he was like, I didn't deserve that. And I'm like, you were being a fucking annoying. He's like, I was just trying to be polite. I'm like, the fifth time you walk up trying to be polite is not polite, yeah. Like, she said, No. She said she wasn't interested. Means no. He's like, Well, I want I'm like, every fucking word out of your mouth is but I, but I, but I. She said, No, you kept coming. She said, No, you kept coming. He was like, Well, I was being polite. And like, that's not polite anymore. It's fucking harassment dude. And I was like, and then I got mad, and he's well, I just want I'm like, We don't owe you nothing. Women owe you nothing. Like, and I looked at like the other three dudes that were sitting like his friends that were all kind of younger, and I was like, I hope you all hear me too. Like, yeah, none of us owe you a fucking thing. No woman has to speak to you. No person has to speak to you. Just because you want to talk to us does not mean we have to talk to you exactly. It doesn't make us rude. It doesn't make us anything like, I'm here with my friends and I want to hang out with my friends, fucking stop here for you. And he's like, looking at me, and I was like, and I was like, yeah, if you're out with your boys and some chick keeps walking over to you, you're gonna be upset, and you're gonna say something fucking mean, right? And like, she just Ruth. Art, because nothing else she said was working. Yeah, I'm like, plus, she's a lesbian.


She's anyways, she didn't want that Dick at all anyway. And he's like, how do you


know I'm like, I know. Like, trust me, yeah, you gave him my number, and she's leaving


no a lot of these. I mean, it's societal, and it's, it's not just the US, but in particular, I think also because our American culture is very we've held on to, like the puritanical values at the same time, the quote, unquote family values. But you could have, you know, X amount of kids by however many wives. But if a woman does it, right, well, she is terrible, terrible slut. And if you're white male, you can, oh, best believe. I mean, like, and this is not to give, you know, this is about the kind of comparison I can give. This is how people think. Because, yes, if you're white, it's more acceptable because, you know, fake Christian white, sorry if you fake Christian white, or any of the, any of these things. I mean, like, both of my parents are married four times, but, and look at my brother. Thank you.


They made one, right?


My oldest brother, black is beautiful. They're gorgeous. They you know, we all age, well, no circle, except for those Nazi brothers, not like one brother, Matt, he's dope in America. Judge. His youngest daughter, who's a gender, speaks Spanish fluently. So they're trying, they're trying best friends. Anyways, we're getting off track. Oh, I know that's fair, but no, I mean, there is something to be said for all of that. See. Now, I done lost my train of thought. We're talking about something serious. You came in here and that's okay, that's okay. It's okay. I'm glad you got the


probably pooping again. They told me it's always on,


it's just there. It's always on, it's just you. Usually have behind the toilet too, but


I either way. Long story short, a lot of women have been


roofing. Be aware. Be aware. And we and, you know, we do


joke about these things, but it's also because it's one of those, like, you're allowed to keep from crying, right? Yeah, so because


I'm sorry it's been such a rough day, and I hate everything. Love you guys. Love you listeners,


yes, also, if you can go get tested and share part of your liver, your blood, your kidneys, whatever you can, she'll


help another human have, yes, one of my kidneys, and she can have


half your liver. Yeah, you can take a half a liver and your liver will regenerate. I mean, maybe not. Yours


do that in a lab now, though, no, but guess what? Like


mine's not bad. No, I know, but it was a better joke.


I'm talking to my mother in law, and I'm just like, I'm just like, trying to, like, Tara may text to me right now. That's a lot. Now, it's hard, because when I talked to her, she was like, they're like, obviously she's like, doing fine, but like, her motor skills are like, I can tell that she wants to, like, be more like she can't, and it's hard, but to hear her not be who she is. Yeah,


we love you. Katie, I made a joke about someone being a method to a covering method today.


This is my my therapy, because I can't talk to you right now. Yeah, and


bullshit with your friends. Like, that's kind of what helps. Like, I love the the podcast, because I love that we can be talking about something serious and stuff, and then we can talk about some just bullshit, because that's how we talk. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, we're out, yeah, when we're out and we're like, you know, like, and sometimes people like, like, I was talking to someone about the traveling and different ways to promote stuff, and he was like, Yeah, but don't talk about bars. I'm like, Dude, that's where I spend half my time, yeah. And he's like, people don't like bars. I'm like, okay, then I don't like those people. Like,


yeah, you're like, This is a huge chunk of my life, and this is what's built. I mean, it's where I found


my community. It's where I found my people. Like, you know what? I mean, I'm such a wide range of good friends and people that I can call or that would show up at at a moment's notice, because I am connected to bars. It's true. Like, really, almost everyone that I talked to on any of these podcasts are because I've worked in a bar and I've met them there. Like,


also, the great part about what people know about the house Wallace Island is, yeah, like, there's a, there's a, you know, there's a boundary, also, there's a there's a closeness that you have, like, maybe you're not close to certain people certain bars, because they keep it that way, but at the same time, like the main bars, the most popular bars on this island, is because, as bartenders, we float around between all these bars, and maybe didn't work out. At one place for whatever reason, and it's not, like, a detrimental thing your career, and just in the moment, it's not good for you. But then you can, like, come back later and like, you know, for me, I was an East End bartender. You guys don't know what that means, because you're not from


this. Didn't figure out it's on the east end.


But you know now, now that I'm a West End bar center and a West End liver, like, resident, yeah? Like, I like liver, liver, I don't know I live on the West End, yeah? But anyway, it's like, I know, I knew you, and then moving to the West End, which is on a far trek, but at the same time, like there is a difference in the culture a little bit, yeah. And that's, that's what it is like, if you think about the way, like the the world works, is like, you can be from England, but if you're from the south side and you're from the north side, you're, you're assholes to each other. Even though you're both English, you make it global. It's like, well,


well, yeah, it's, it's like, a, it's a tribalism, yeah,


I hate it. I just people are so like, and I don't like, when people are like, Oh, you don't seem like you're from Boston, and I'm like, oh, have you been there? And they're like, No. I'm like, then how would you know what we're like, yeah, people like, because you've seen a stereotype,


absolutely, absolutely. I mean, like, I had a now granted. I had the buffer of going to this portion of North Carolina with and visiting with white people, so it was probably a different experience I would have had if I was somebody else, but I had never been. I've been to like, I said, I've been to Philly. I'm I plan on being more traveled, and I definitely need stamps on the passport, and again, coming up on what's the next four years is like, I'm gonna see as much as this motherfucker as I can, but I had, you know, definitely a preconceived notion of the South, and it's such a vast area, like not everybody is the same. It's like looking at California, and a lot, as a lot of people do, just most populous state, and be like, Oh, they're a fucking monolith, right? We're all weed smoking hippies, the fuck we are. If you go to the Central Valley baby myth is, but it's like your mike tyson impression. Poor Mike Tyson, whatever he got paid. Um, that's why he didn't swing his heart. He's also 58 bro,


um, murder, and I could shoot that hard,


I plan to still be the Throw Down. But no, apparently the women's about was more exciting. Anyways, yes,


it was. But for your about, I'll buy the jello or pudding. It's your choice. Let's go look. We're gonna have a lady pool. Let's set


it up. I mean, we could do a P Diddy style olive oil. I mean,


Costco and buying a flat


like Sandy, actually over ordered olive oil, and when it


was gonna feel here, I was like, What the fuck is this?


It's going back tomorrow. I'm like, what did he party? She was like, shut up.


Like, don't talk about what you go in cross


Valley prison, and Trump's our president.


How many white parties did Trump go to of Diddy's or none, because he's not, like, a party.


How many do they plan on Epstein's Island?


And Elon? He's like, Fuck Kamala. She was their AI. And he's like, but then, like, when anytime anybody posted him at Diddy's party, he just blocked him. Yeah,


that's why he bought Twitter, so he could control the I'm


pretty sure unite, all three of us can buy it right now. It's like more shit we probably can't do you have also, I know, actually, it was like Kirkland that we went,


No, the I don't, I didn't notice this until because, when I first read, because every time I open the news, there's some other ludicrous fucking appointment that he's decided, like the guy who's the Fox News host, who's who's appointed to be the head of the Department of Defense, which is fucking insane. You know how to code, right? I mean, in my space days, yes, sure. I can copy, I can copy a URL, absolutely,


take a picture my butthole. This is the new secretary. Yeah, you're gonna call him Elmo. I like where this is going, Okay, I


mean, actually, we could just get like, Oscar the Grouch to be our defense secretary. I feel like we gotta be okay for that,


inside of a trash can on AI and let's just do that. I'm here for like, better. I did, I did that. Yeah, political, but for fun. No, that's


literally, that's the world we're in right now, not to let's make it fucking political. That was part of what we're gonna talk about, how we. How we're supposed to when we get through these fucking because I'm still gonna say only next four years. But I mean, if you'd asked me eight years ago if I thought the motherfucker was gonna win, I'd have been like, no. And then I remember working on 2016 election night. I was still living in San Francisco. I was managing this place that doesn't exist anymore, but I was on Polk Street, and one bar right, bar, no rye bars on the tail. This was a place called buffalo theory, and it was next door to the cinch, which is the only gay bar left on Polk Street. I love the cinch, and so we it was me and a bunch of other women working that night, two of whom were also like queer women. And so nobody was there because election night, and it was so Now granted, and I have to say I didn't vote for Hillary. I wrote Bernie in I could not good conscience vote for Hillary. She's a fucking war criminal too. They're all trash, every politician, yeah, for the most part, they're all pretty shitty, no matter who you vote for. Well, you know, yeah, no, any president. I mean, like, I was so stoked I got to vote for Obama the first time I got to vote. And I was like, oh, and now I'm like, Oh, you were bombing people every 30 fucking minutes for eight years. And, like, it was cool because we used drones. We didn't have all these troops on the ground. But like and I had friends who lambasted me for not voting for a woman, you had a chance to vote for a woman, and you didn't do it. I just said, I'm good conscience I couldn't, and that's really, in my opinion, I don't think that it's a wasted vote if you're voting for what you truly believe in, regardless of whatever that remains to be seen about, you know, fascism, but, but we have, it's two wings of the same shitty bird, like when you have, you know, Kamala saying she's not going to change her stance. She's going to be, you know, this administration 2.0 well, I told I there's a, I would say, more of an acquaintance. I would say more of an acquaintance. I wouldn't necessarily refer to him as a friend. I'm not going to name drop because it is somebody who goes to the bars regularly, but a white, liberal, straight man. And I remember bringing up, you know, and she was just facts about Kamala record here as the ADA of San Francisco and the Ag of California. And I voted for her for the Senate because I, you know, I was like, Oh, I was still kind of blind to a lot of shit. And now that I've gotten more into a record and how terrible she fucking was, and how many people she kept behind bars for fucking weed and all sorts of just bad, bad stuff, I'm not going to go into, like, individual things I could, but I'm tired, and y'all could fucking google it. So that being said, I was like, Well, you know, she's not gonna change anything she could. I call it she's she lost Michigan. I knew she was gonna lose Michigan two fucking months ago. They told her that. And, you know, how do you square people being like, Oh, well, Trump's gonna be worse, which, I mean, obviously he's fucking trash. I'm not this is not a just like talking about Kamala and all this stuff, but they're all she did was move to the right, like having the Chinese endorse you is not the fucking flex you want for your base, also for, like,


old Democrats, when it really they're Republicans, no. But what like when it was literally, like, tit for tat and, like, they like, super right? In a weird way, it's like, yeah, okay, so I'm going to endorse my party no matter what. So like, Kamala, come her, her, that was her flex. Because she's an old school she's a cop still, too. I know that. But like, for old school Democrats. Is like, Oh, wow, these people we hated for 40 years not getting endorsed by the person we hate. And, yeah, it doesn't work that way. And the thing about it is, there's too many corporations who are just rubbing that


that, yeah, after Citizens United, it really like, just fucked a lot of shit, because it means, you know, corporations count as people, they can contribute as much as they want, whereas if you as an individual human being contributes X amount, that could be a problem. But then


how come Elon could? Oh, because he did. I was a corporation,


but he was giving the world. That is also true. He, I mean, and that's the thing Starlink, his, his internet satellite thing is like what I think half of the satellites that are orbiting right now, you gotta remember getting insane. Everybody


who needs to remember that he's not this fucking genius that he Nope. First of all, he's got on it. He bought it. He No, he didn't even buy it. He bullied his way into buying it. Yeah, and his own father called him out on his bullshit, and then his father played into it, because his father realized that he's making so much more money if he just played in Elon shit. Elon Musk is autistic. That's fine. He's high functioning autism, and he's also. So a billionaire, and so you have to weigh these two mental factors. In there is the, what they call it, the the billionaire psychosis, I think, oh, where you're so rich that you just cannot think about somebody because you're just a sociopath. Yeah, you basically turned into sociopath. And then, I can't remember what's called and then there's, like the autism part, where, like, things have to be your way, and like the two conjoining things is not great. And that's what Elon is, yeah, and to a T, that's what Trump is. But he's, I can't even say he's more,


he's more of a a showman, I think too. He also even knows how to


wait, because he's been performing for so many about


alcoholic history, but also like or


why we drink.


We talked about rape. We're


covering all sorts of but they


they're also, they're rich enough, but they're not smart enough, no, and so they think they're doing the right thing, because what they're doing is they're they're saving their own assets. Mm, hmm, yeah. Elon Musk was a Democrat. Donald Trump was a Democrat, yeah. And when they realized that they couldn't, quote, unquote, care for the people and keep their money, all of a sudden Republican, because Republicans, they do have the lower IQ. That's why Mitch McConnell is still in office, because he's gonna do right by like, runs


unopposed. A lot of these congressional seats and Senate seats run unopposed too. That's a big, big thing that people don't think about. This is why you're down ballot. Races are so fucking important


when you have an IQ over 100 Yeah, and it's why it's detrimental when your accused under 100


now, I will say, and this is also true, there are a lot of fairly intelligent people. I mean, obviously, you know, if you look at the at least the collegiate pedigree, not saying that. Like, Bush got in, like, W got into fucking Yale on his intelligence marriage, daddy built a library, and then they got but like, things along the lines of, there are a lot of people who say that they are Republican. I mean, Republicans and Democrats who run the shit. George Carlin has a great bit look it up about they all go to the same country clubs. These are all in the same circles, because capitalism, especially American capitalism, the way that it exists, only exists based on the subjugation of other people, right? There's no way for it to function the way that it does without that, because that's how it was designed in the first place. And so, you know when earlier, when I mentioned that we were never a true democracy. I mean, black people didn't get the right to fully vote until the 60s, right? So, and even then, now we're bringing back. We have redlining, we have gerrymandering, we have all of these things we're bringing back, like, you can't give water to somebody standing in line in fucking Georgia, right? Like that could get you thrown in jail.


My white privilege? Yeah, if you do that, then who? Who's going to bring me my man what?


If you're hydrated, how do I get out? Well,


it harkens back to the idea of race.


It's a Naomi. If you just, you would just, they don't know what Naomi, if you, if you would just do yourself favor and just read what mandate is based off of you would understand that it is aioli and that is French and we are cultured.


You sound like what's his name, John Kennedy from from Louisiana, who actually sounds like a completely different person if you listen to his campaign speeches before, he kept getting reelected, because his mother went to like, he went to some ivy league, and then, I think he did a study, brought it like Oxford. And then he realized, Oh, Danny Madonna, base was, yeah, hey, nobody realized more of what his base was. And so he switched his accent, I'm sorry, sound more like what you're doing. Do


you not, do you not pour Coca Cola over peanuts. Because, first off, see if you in the south, it's Pepsi girl. Okay. First off, y'all call it pop. And second of all, if you do not do that, I feel like you don't know what a rocket is. To be fair.


Again, not everybody in the south, not everyone. Y'all, are trapped down there, and you just give you


the money to get out. But first of all, it is Adam and Eve, and it is not Adam and Steve, but also Steve. First of all, Steve had a friend. I think his name was Greg, and he was Greg. He wasn't really in the picture, but he


he got the Ducking of poly


things. He got the job done. And, first of all, nobody really, nobody really hates Greg. He's just kind of there and, and when Greg's there, I mean, my wife's happy, I'm not mad. But to be fair, I'm not sure. Remember who invited him to this party. But guess what? The ribs are moist. Cornbread is bacon, and my rooster stopped clucking about an hour ago. So here's the thing, your cock's not working anymore. No, it stopped plucking. Wow. Anyhoo, great. I appreciate all your I appreciate all your hard work and Bitsy. She does love you. Oh my god, but at the same time, still stop voting for assholes. Why so


against your honor? Just you know what? Because they've been taught. Also. Fun fact, for you from the south, the banjo wouldn't be here, but for West Africa,


you're welcome. I know that also, Bale of Fleck, go yourself. What? Who? I didn't hear what you said. I


didn't hear who you said. Bail of fleck. Veil of Fleck, I don't know who that is. No, I feel like I lost my invite to the cookout.


No, this white man went to Africa to perfect the banjo plane. Oh, and all the southerners like baila flex, the fucking banjo player of the world, I'm like, but he went to Africa to learn how to play the Bayla Fleck, B, E, L, Southern


cuisine wouldn't exist, but for you know enslaved folks


that Bucha happened. What? Because you all thought we're off on a tangent. Can we wrap this tangent


this podcast might just need to be called tangent.


It might be no but, okay, so also, the reason that people vote for their against their interests is they're stupid. They're they're kept uneducated on purpose. Oh, yes. But also, does nobody, I guess


they're uneducated or stupid? No, I don't think stupid. No, stupid. Reading


books again, bro, like this is a,


well, first of all, my my fucking, my oven in America is pretty fucking, I don't know if you know this, but my oven is, is so cold. And when I, I talked to my governor, he said, he said, Well, how many books you have about the MO peoples? And I said, What do you mean the and he said, Well, he said, If you burn them books by the wokes people, the fire burns hotter and your family's taking I think we loved her to the bed. And I said, What do you mean? Come back to us. You think every black person whose family has been here for more than 200 years that's family. But they believe that if you do not burn the books, you will not have a furnace. Oh, man, what you have to by the way, I'm related to the Jacksons, like Michael Jackson, the Jeffrey,


the Andrew Jackson, the Andrew Jackson, oh, I'm sorry. I am too. I mean my last name. I mean my last name is McCormick, like the fucking Spice Company. I mean, people are like, Oh, he related. I was like, Oh no, we're probably picking the shit,


dude, you can edit it so fun fact. Show whatever our last name is right now is actually not what our our family's name was. So I my last name Sibly, yeah, it's, it's English for old surgeon. I do not know, I do not know how my family became the last name surgeon, but I do know that I was owned by the Norris family. Oh, and it's funny, because my dad was the captain to two black sergeants. Last Name Morris, yeah, but here's the thing, like, once you left the plantation, which my mom, my mom told me, is you kind of took the name of whoever was not whipping you, but cared for you. So, yeah, my last name is probably Norris, by English standards, but my I go by Sibly, because that's my last name. So you're McCormick. And yes, McCormick do have the spices, but there was probably a branch because, well, with ours,


according to, and this is, you know, word of mouth, obviously, because all three mouths, all the mouth, if you only trace it back so far. But according to my dad, from what he was told, was that, well, masa had a quote, unquote favorite, and so they had sons. She bore him sons because, you know, right, they're. Like that happy subject. And so after they found out the Emancipation Proclamation was passed, a few of them left the plantation, but did keep the last name, and then so did we, yeah, but it wasn't like, Oh, it's just it was because either that or you have a lot of friends, right? I mean, like 9085 to 90% of the people in this country with the last name Washington, are black, right? That's how many fucking slaves George Washington owned, everybody. You're welcome and and Thomas Jefferson, and he didn't even Fuck


him. He just calmed down their leg because his penis was so small, it


wasn't his fault. He was just coming through every 30 seconds.


He just said, Martha, I like he called all the slave women marker because his pianist was so teeny. Yeah, never broke. That's the worst I have so many kids never broke the hymen because my pee pee so special. Maybe the actual podcast that we've been trying to record for three hours.


Oh, my God. Oh, it is about three hours, huh, yep, um, my


cat, let's start. Hang on. Cat. Let's, oh, man, I'll let you start. I gotta pee. No, you pee. I gotta pee. Let's start the actual podcast. Good God, of of alcohol, and I'm not going to be sad anymore.


Okay, okay, Imma make it brief. Yes, no, we'll make it maybe a couple hours.


Was us who being like angry women in the Bay


Area, but this next podcast is going to be angry women in the world.


Woke up this morning. Our next podcast is going to be about bartending, how to handle part clients. I just like, you know, I to be fair, you can record this hunk here. I think my girlfriend's coming home. I'm not sure she's very sick right now. I talked to my mother in law. She was very positive about this. But to be fair, like I might not see my partner for another month, and it's eating up a side, of course, but she told me. She said, Hey babe, you know you're you're a good person. Come see me when you can do your thing. I don't like doing my thing when she's not there. So let's just have a fun podcast. It's not necessarily about we can we can make our our first podcast, a whole nother podcast. Let's just talk about bartending, and how does the Barton? Because there's a possibility. I am I not see her in six months?


We'll figure it out, and we'll all be here to help and support however we can, and we'll get tested and see what we can give her


so far as positive. But


that's scary


again. She told me to do this tonight. I wouldn't done if she didn't tell me, but I


had no idea she was so sick, Holly, I'm sorry.


A couple days.


Well, now that you do have a support system, no,


guys, this is just like a few, like weird, emotional things. Of course, a long


day. It's understandable. She told me


to go have fun. Yeah, of course, I do apologize.


No, don't apologize for having your feelings. We thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share it with us and to be letting us Yeah, and letting us be here for you. Let's get you another Jamison, and you can both pee. And then we'll she pees first. Let's do this. It.

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